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Oberdries Consulting provides consultancy services to business on location intelligence problems and is especially interested in complex spatial data analytics, spatial data interoperability, and application integration challenges.
"When you look at data through the lens of the FME, you learn that data's not a solid, it's a liquid.  You don't chip away at it, a record at a time, you POUR it in batch mode from receptacle to receptacle, changing the shape of it on the way, from round holes to square holes and back again."  [Paul Ramsey, Geospatial Architect - FME 2014 International User Conference]
'GIS Professional - Asia Pacific' (GISP-AP) for spatial information professionals, certified by the Geospatial Council of Australia (GCA) 'FME Certified Professional' and
'FME Flow Certified Professional' designations, awarded by Safe Software.
'Registered Professional Surveyor' (RPSurv) status, awarded by Survey and Spatial New Zealand Member, Geospatial Council of Australia (GCA)